Toolkit Overview
The Staying Connected Messaging Toolkit is developed for individuals, partners and organizations that are interested in incorporating targeted, evidence-based messaging into their communication strategies. An essential part of our physical and mental well-being involves feelings of social connectedness, with friends, family, and our community.1 Those who are socially connected are happier, more resilient, and enjoy better health. Supporting social connectedness prevents potential effects of social isolation, such as depression, anxiety, and increased sedentary behavior that leads to a higher risk of cancer and chronic illness.
The toolkit provides guidelines for the use of messaging on various social channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Toolkit Downloads
Staying Connected Social Messaging (Excel spreadsheet)
Staying Connected Graphics (6.53mb zip file)
Staying Connected Poster (pdf)
social Messaging
If you run a social media account and want to provide messages encouraging social connectivity and community to your audiences, the Social Messaging sheet is a great resource to provide messaging on various themes such as:
- general recommendations
- myths/facts
- social connectivity FAQ's
To make your messaging more locally relevant, some posts will have bolded placeholders so that you can customize the post for your own event or activity.
The messaging contained in the sheet has been optimized for character-limit for usage across most major social channels. For additional tips and tools, there is a list of helpful links at the bottom of the page.